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« What is Orchitis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment | NBA 2K16 MT Stoudemire retires from NBA as Knick »

nba 2k17 new features my career prediction

Cheap 2K16 MT is the best 2k game ever. However, there are some new features that we want 2K Sports to add in upcoming nba 2k17 version of the game. The following is Buynba2kmt.com for nba 2k17 new features my career prediction, new hope version has a different experience way.

NBA MT Points my career players

Create a player

There is a current provision to create a player but the process is very long and a lot of us get confused while creating a player. This feature will be helpful as it will save fifteen to twenty minutes we spent while creating new player. A quick button would be perfect for initializing this feature. Adding Tattoos and Body Feature features in this mode would be great.

Add Classic Teams

2k has always been supportive of Classic Teams. There are a lot of us who love to play on/with the classic team. However, we would love to see new classic teams like 05 Spurs. Also, adding current roster player to Legend Pool could be done.

Increase Player Potential

We have been asking this feature since a long time now. A potential bar for inform players would be a perfect addition. A young player could develop into a champ if he continues to play in form. This will add curiosity among the fans and increase the time player’s play in click here.


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